Yorshred or
Your reputation?
  • Companies can incur fines of up to £500,000 if data is mishandled, lost or stolen.

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  • Identity theft is one of the UK’s fastest growing crimes with 3/4 ‘s of the UK population having been exposed to ID fraud.

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  • Personal data theft is behind 65% of all fraud cases in the UK.

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  • Identity theft is Britain's fastest-growing white-collar crime, increasing at nearly 500% a year

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  • An annual figure of £1.3 billion pa is the minimum quantifiable cost to the economy arising from identity fraud

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Data Statistics

Figures released following an FOI request to the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) reveal the worrying number of law firms investigated for breaches of the Data Protection Act (DPA) in 2014. The research shows that a total of 187 incidents were recorded, with 173 firms investigated for a variety of DPA related incidents, of which 29% related to 'security' and 26% related to incorrect 'disclosure of data'.

Despite increasingly high-profile data breaches by law firms and warnings from industry regulators about the lack of data security measures being applied to the highly sensitive information shared and managed by firms, today's figures demonstrate a worrying lack of care and security.

In August 2014, for example, Information Commissioner Christopher Graham issued a clear warning to law firms following a string of data breaches: "It is important that we sound the alarm at an early stage to make sure this problem is addressed before a barrister or solicitor is left counting the financial and reputational damage of a serious data breach."

In addition to this, results of the '2014 Law Firm File Sharing Survey' highlighted more startling statistics, including 89% of law firms using unencrypted email as the primary means of communication. The survey also revealed that 77% of firms rely on a confidentiality statement to secure communication and nearly half admitted to using free cloud-based file sharing services such as Dropbox to transmit 'privileged information'. At the same time, the Law Society issued a practice notewarning that the use of cloud computing services in law firms could break the Data Protection Act.

This demonstrates that we need to be vigilant with the information of our customers and how this is used, stored and disposed of.

Our shredding service allows you the peace of mind that once you have finished with your data it is securely treated and shredded. Once the shredding process is complete we provide you with a certificate of destruction.

Data Statistics

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Paper Recycling

The shredded paper is 100% recycled and turned into other paper products right here in the UK.

The Environment
Free Site Audit

We will visit you to make sure that your premises is secure and your staff and clients information is not able to get into the wrong hands.

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24 Hour Collection Service

We are able to offer a 24 hour collection service so we do not disturb the day to day running of your business.

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