Yorshred or
Your reputation?
  • Companies can incur fines of up to £500,000 if data is mishandled, lost or stolen.

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  • Identity theft is one of the UK’s fastest growing crimes with 3/4 ‘s of the UK population having been exposed to ID fraud.

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  • Personal data theft is behind 65% of all fraud cases in the UK.

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  • Identity theft is Britain's fastest-growing white-collar crime, increasing at nearly 500% a year

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  • An annual figure of £1.3 billion pa is the minimum quantifiable cost to the economy arising from identity fraud

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How and when do you shred your confidential documents?

Many organisations simply don’t dispose of sensitive information often enough or in the correct manner. Each year, countless hours are spent feeding documents through shredding machines. However, confidential paperwork may not be destroyed beyond all recognition and may even not be recyclable. Corporate waste bins still become repositories for all types of personal and private data.

The consequences of improperly disposing of sensitive information are immense. Failure to comply with Data Protection Act can result in fines of up to £500,000. Additionally, an instance of sensitive client information ending up in a waste bin may result in the following:

  • legal action
  • loss of customers
  • damaged public relations / company image

Of course, each business has different document disposal requirements. Some paper-intensive offices require daily disposal of sensitive records, while other less paper-dependent companies may only have four weekly or even annual shredding needs. It is also becoming more and more common for organisations to securely dispose of electronic media containing confidential information. No matter what your business’ document disposal needs are, it’s important to have a secure and thorough process that eliminates any possible chance of a privacy breach during final disposition of your documents and data.


Regular shredding of sensitive corporate information can protect your business from the negative consequences associated with a data breach. While better than not shredding at all, using an office shredder for destroying confidential business records is ineffective and costly. Given their capacity to only shred a small amount at one time and inability to handle repeated use, they are often prone to breakdown. Given the additional time necessary for shredding a handful of files, employees may forgo using office shredders altogether. It’s easy to see why confidential documents may be lazily thrown into a waste bin.

An ongoing secure document destruction solution provides your company with a professional method for mitigating these risks. Yorshred strategically places secure collection containers within your office next to printers, photocopiers or other collection areas. Employees can drop whole files into the collection container where they are securely held until Yorshred collects them for shredding. Collection is customised to your business disposal needs:

  • daily
  • weekly
  • fortnightly
  • monthly
  • onsite or offsite

The whole process facilitates regular disposal and saves your employees valuable time and your business money. Yorshred also provides your business with an audit trail of the destruction process by issueing a certificate of destruction once the shredding is complete.

Please call us today for a quote or fill in the online form to see how we can save you money.

How and when do you shred your confidential documents?

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Paper Recycling

The shredded paper is 100% recycled and turned into other paper products right here in the UK.

The Environment
Free Site Audit

We will visit you to make sure that your premises is secure and your staff and clients information is not able to get into the wrong hands.

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24 Hour Collection Service

We are able to offer a 24 hour collection service so we do not disturb the day to day running of your business.

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